Philippine Laws -Simplified | Free Legal Advice

Welcome! I'm Giancarlo Enrico S. Pozon, a Wushu instructor, investor and Barrister... That's right, Barrister; I graduated from law school and took the Bar Exams, now I'm waiting for the results. I created this blog to make Philippine Law easy to understand for the average person. It's all about free legal advice. There are many law blogs. But the problem is that many of them are written for lawyers and law students. They use words that can't be understood by ordinary people. Many lawyers, judges and law students consider themselves as superior to most human beings because of their knowledge of the law. It bothers me since the law is supposed to serve society. Since the law is meant to serve society as a whole, it is important that is must be understood by everybody. This does not mean that we should all become lawyers. It means that although law is a highly specialized profession, the first duty of everybody in this profession is to make the law understandable to all; that's why all these articles are free legal advice. Like I said, this blog is about law -but it's for the ordinary people, not the lawyers. It's for the ordinary folk so they will know what is good and bad for them, and that making them aware of the law will help us all improve society as a whole. This is free legal advice for everybody!

The NLRC's Jurisdiction

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The NLRC has jurisdiction over the following matters:

1.) Appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by the labor arbiter
2.) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all cases decided by the regional directors or hearing officers involving the recovery of wages and other monetary claims and benefits arising from employer-employee relationships where the total money claim is Php5,000.00 or less
3.) Original exclusive jurisdiction as compulsory arbitration body over labor dispautes certified to it by the DOLE secretary
4.) Original exclusive jurisdiction to issue labor injunctions and exercise contempt powers under Art. 218 (e) of the Labor Code (illegal acts committed during a labor dispute)
5.) Original exclusive jurisdiction over contempt cases committed against it or any of its members under Art. 218 (d) of the Labor Code (acts of contempt during proceedings)
6.) Exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving petition for relief from judgment from a decision/order from a labor dispute involving fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence

The NLRC sits en banc only to promulgate rules rules and regulation on the hearing and disposition of cases before any of its decisions and regional branches and formulating policies affecting its administration. In all other cases, cases before the NLRC are taken up in division.

The NLRC is on the same level as the CA.


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