
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Negotiable Instrument Defenses

There are 2 kinds of defenses in negotiable instruments: personal and real

Real Defenses

1.) Minority
2.) Forgery
3.) Non-delivery of an incomplete instrument
4.) Material alteration
5.) Ultra vires act of the corporation
6.) Fraud in factum/esse contractus
7.) illegality (if declared void for any purpose)
8.) Force/violence
9.) Lack of authority
10.) Prescription
11.) Discharge in insolvency

Personal Defenses

1.) Failure/absence of consideration
2.) Illegal consideration
3.) Non-delivery of a complete instrument
4.) Conditional delivery of a complete instrument
5.) Fraud in inducement
6.) Filling up blank not within authority
7.) Duress/intimidation
8.) Filling up blank beyond reasonable time
9.) Transfer in breach of faith
10.) Mistake
11.) Insertion of wrong date
12.) Ante-dating or post-dating for illegal/fraudulent purposes

Real/absolute defenses attach to the instrument and are available against all holders, whether in due course or not, but only the entitled party/ies can raise them. Personal/equitable defenses are available only against the holder standing in privity with the party entitled to the defense or those who don't have the rights of a holder in due course.